Sharolyn Wallace, PhD. LCSW, Registered Play Therapist Supervisor has been the Professor of Human Services at Tulsa Community College for over 20 years. She is also the director for TCC’s Center for Addiction Prevention and Recovery Support. Dr. Wallace received the 2014 C.V. Ramana award for Outstanding Contribution to the Mental Health of Oklahoma’s Children and the 2016 NASW-OK Social Worker of the Year. She is the Past-President for OK NASW. She is a Board Member for the Association for Play Therapy and the National Association for Social Workers. Dr. Wallace has been in private practice for over twenty years specializing in child sexual abuse and trauma. Dr. Wallace led a team of mental health workers providing crisis intervention and play therapy in Sri Lanka one month at the Tsunami. She has also provided crisis relief work in Alaska, New York, Miami, San Francisco, and Scotland, and two separate tours of duty in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Dr. Wallace has published articles on play therapy and relapse prevention with child welfare families. She is the author of a series of children’s books, “The Adventures of Bruce, Ben & Gerry.”